Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Lynette's New Book Now Available!

VOYAGE: A Quest for God within Orthodox Christian Tradition

…A Quest for God within Orthodox Christian Tradition illumines a remarkable search for deeper spiritual meaning. It chronicles nothing less than the struggle to, “share complete and unreserved communion with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

How can reaching for the goal of salvation be attained practically? “Pain can sharpen the soul’s awareness of its need for God,” answers the author.

How do we turn life’s suffering into love, joy, peace and – above all – beauty? “With every occasion that I choose to ignore some splash of splendor in favor of focusing on the cares of this life, I increasingly lose my sensitivity to the beautiful,” Lynette Smith answers.

As a convert to the Orthodox Church the author shares her path and points to a way to follow Christ in everyday life that is within the reach of every person. With down to earth poignant candor and humor, Lynette weaves her personal experiences together with deep meditations on Orthodox faith that will speak to all seekers of spiritual truth - be they Orthodox or not. Casting inspirational light on the Liturgy, the Scriptures, and wisdom from the Fathers and Mothers of the Church the author helps her fellow travelers to embrace a refreshing relationship with God.

Advanced praise for VOYAGE:

“This book of reflections illustrates important lessons about the spiritual life and will inform and encourage every reader who picks it up!”
Bishop BASIL
Bishop of Wichita and the Diocese of Mid-America (Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

“Smith’s description of how she came to grips with depression, disillusion, and discouragement is inspiring. Her story of coming into Orthodox Christianity is compelling for its frank and honest examination of what it means to be an Orthodox woman in the twenty-first century.”
The Very Rev. Lester Michael Bundy
Professor Emeritus, Religious Studies, Regis Jesuit University, Denver, CO

“Readers will find themselves quietly sitting beside the author pondering their own voyage as she navigates them through a troubled and peaceful journey that is both hers—and theirs.”
Bradley Nassif
Professor of Theological Studies, North Park University, Chicago, Holy Transfiguration Antiochian Church, Warrenville, IL

“Using the metaphor of a voyage, Lynette Smith shares her spiritual autobiography with openness, honesty, and integrity. Those who follow her reflections from her Pentecostal roots to the sacramental life of Orthodoxy will be the better for it. Christians from all traditions will benefit by accompanying Lynette on this formative voyage.”
Dr. Keith Wells, D. Min., M.L.S.
Professor of Theological Bibliography and Research, Denver Seminary and columnist for Touchstone Journal

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